Saturday 16 July 2016

Have Restaurants, Have An App: Let The Food Travel To Foodies

With a vogue of online ordering and buying becoming popular, the service sector has taken a 360-degree turn. Now, seeker does not come to service, but service travels to seeker. With a pun intended in the lines this is a tough reality, which every business would require to understand until a new fad comes in the market. And until, then, the service providers have to set themselves ready for serving door-to-door even if they own restaurants.

Yes, restaurants too!And what makes the necessity here is a restaurant apps- a working application for iOS and android smartphones so that foodies can order their foods by just clicking online in your app.

The disclaimer here would be that, if you do not have an app for your business but your competitor do have, then your orders will slowly start falling in his arms just because he would be technology ready, but you would not.

Sounds like a scary dream, yes, it is, but it is not too late to start. It is just the start-up and there is a long way to go my friend and hence, get your restaurant food app readied.

What would your restaurant app have?
As they say, “sky is the limit,” follow it. You can add as much as services in your app if you want, but still organizing them will be a great challenge. Henceforth, here I have compiled up some features and specializations, which you can add in your online food ordering restaurant app.

1) Keep the analytics clear
For any restaurant app, analytics like the current menu, delivery-time, locations to be served, delivery charges and table bookings should be made very clear with proper navigation. Let us say, being a big foodie, I would desire to handle an app, which will show clear navigations to menu and what is available. I would not like to be hassles up placing the orderbecause, everything can be born, but not the hunger and palate rush. So, in simple terms,

v  Keep the menu updated special dishes on the menu and cuisine of the day, etc.
v  Keep the stats of empty tables updated with procedure of quick bookings.
v  Keep the regular offers like happy meals and bonanza offers updated so that more and more foodies flock to your app.
v  Keep the categories clean and distinguishable like the veg, non-veg, drinks, beverages, etc. with pictures and prices.
2) Make your app socially active
Today is the era of social networking and updates; so keep your application socially networked so that people can review your latest post and deals, which you have broadcasted online. Also, it will help more and more in the social publicity of restaurants and delicious foods.

3) Tag it as a free app- people like freebies
 As it is a human tendency that they love savings;they will prefer the free app. Hence, keep your app free. It is a future investment, which will bring a lot of customers to your restaurant business.

With a conclusion, yes, an online food booking app for your restaurant will take the popularity of your business up to sky high. Hence, get your restaurant app India build.

Have a plan to Develop Restaurants into your mobile app?
If yes,  let 200oksolutions help you. 200oksolutions is an mobile apps development company, built over  apps on iOS, Android, Windows and OS platforms for all sorts of businesses across the world.

Get in touch with us at  or fill up the form  to share your Restaurants apps strategy.